After a rock and roll philosophy talk/performance for the amazing students of NC State University this week on True Success: The Art of Achievement in Times of Change, I woke up to find my hair still excited! Like Socrates, I look forward to the great HairAfter. No products or processes were used in the making of this photograph. I put on my glasses, got up, looking in the mirror and had to share the vision that greeted me.
I get excited about great ideas. I hope you do too. One hour at NC State turned into nearly three, and after my sixty minute spoken word celebration of philosophical wisdom around life success, I loved hearing people’s questions for the next two hours, first in the plenary session through the means of microphones, and then in the front of the room, in the aisle, and outside the auditorium. Seven universal conditions for success, The 7 Cs of Success: Conception, Confidence, Concentration, Consistency, Commitment, Character and a Capacity to Enjoy the Process along the way. Digging deep, reconciling paradoxes, and seeing new sights. It was indeed for me an uplifting and hair-raising experience. I hope you and I have it together some time!