"Best speaker I've heard in 30 years!"
"The Best Speaker Ever!"
"Tom Morris Totally Blew Away the Competition!!!"
“This Was The Most Practical Session We’ve Ever Had!”
Frequent Accolades From Clients Like:
Ford Motor Company, The US Air Force, Bank of America, Toyota, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, Target, Walmart, Merrill Lynch, UBS, General Motors, Verizon, Prudential, The American Hospital Association, The National Association of Realtors, NBC Sports, Smuckers, Mattell, Campbell Soup, Minute Maid, and Many Others!
Zoom sessions are available at any time!
Sample of Recent Testimonials
Some very recent testimonials are below. But first, allow me to share a letter I just came across in my files, a report from a past presentation that still makes me smile:
Dear Tom: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! You were absolutely fabulous - and I know I gave you one tough crowd!
This group is certainly accustomed to top-notch speakers, and consequently that makes my - and your - job difficult. However, with all the presenters I've ever put before them, none - and I mean none - has been as well received as you.
Never before did I have to contend with physically pulling my attendees from a speaker; they just couldn't get enough of you! But most importantly, the subject mater was 100% on target, and met our objective of prompting discussion and afterthought well into the evening - a mark of true success.
We can't wait to have you back in front of our 1,000 plus person region in June!
Fondly, Jenn Krasnigor, SE Regional Meeting Planner, Price Waterhouse
One other note, a recent email about an event decades ago and how the ideas can last.
Tom: I saw you in Houston at an AT&T sales rally nearly twenty years ago and have touched base via email a handful of times. I’ve always carried the 7 C’s card you handed out at that event and have incorporated those points as part of the framework for my approach to life since then.
I am visiting my 30-year-old son this weekend and found myself introducing those points and your work to him in a discussion about philosophy and life this morning.
Just wanted to let you know I don’t know whether or not your wisdom is timeless but it has definitely passed through at least two generations of my family now.
Hope things are going well for you. Take care, Frank Prager
November, 2019
You hit a home run! Thank you for coming and being part of our 100th anniversary!!
Mary Winters, Oklahoma Hospital Association
September, 2019
We had a great Marketing & Strategy retreat yesterday! We had some amazing presenters, including philosopher Tom Morris who inspired everyone with his talk on the 7Cs of Success. I always leave these events feeling energized, and yesterday was no exception.
Caryn Zengel, MedStar
I was at the meeting yesterday. Your part was great! Your presentation was my favorite of the day. It was truly inspiring. I highly enjoyed listening to your stories and learning the 7 Cs of Success! I really felt I could apply those principles to my work and life. Thank you!!!
I really felt motivated and you have made me think about my life and career as well as what is most important. Now I need to find the time to stare out that window and plan my future and goals!!! Nice to meet you and I look forward to keeping in touch.
Casey Bazzano, MedStar
I have heard such great things about your presentation!!!
Addie Thomas, Assistant to the SVP of Marketing and Strategy, MedStar
May, 2019
I was fortunate to have Tom Morris come to Niagara University to give a public lecture for a series I’m in charge of and to speak to my class. Boy, am I glad he agreed to visit Niagara! Even after a simple Q&A in my classroom, students were in awe and mobbed him in the hallway outside begging for more insight. One even approached him to tell her that he had changed her life in the 80 minute period! And after the public lecture, attendee after attendee kept telling me how it was the best talk they had ever heard. Even those students who were there begrudgingly (they came only for extra credit) enthusiastically emphasized they were so glad they came after all. They came for the extra credit, and they stayed for their lives to be changed! I’m still getting congratulations for having invited him. He made me look good!>>
Michael Barnwell, Ph.D. (Yale, 2005), Professor of Philosophy, Niagara University
From a Journalist Present at the Public Talk:
Your presentation one the 7 C's of success was very powerful. It made me realize that I could steer my life into a space of deep gratitude because I could decide my own definition of success and then achieve it though simple mindsets and actions.
April, 2019
Tom: IT WAS AMAZING!! Everyone loved your presentation, and it was the perfect end to the day.
Sami Winter, Founder, Fusion Endurance.
March, 2019
Tom Morris is such a dynamic, engaging speaker that we felt fortunate to have him here for our Signature Series at Cape Fear REALTORS® on March 1, 2019.
Our Realtors® were captivated by his ‘7 Cs of Success’. Tom’s energy and unique ability to bridge the gap between profound wisdom of past philosophers and connect their logic to modern day business was genuinely enlightening. This insight is integral in helping our Realtors® navigate, from Hill A to Hill B, the uncertain digital future of real estate.
His entertaining and captivating delivery completely drew us in and kept us seeking more. Cape Fear REALTORS® highly recommends Tom Morris!
Patrick LaJeunesse, Cape Fear REALTORS®, Director of Marketing & Communications
February, 2019
“Tom Morris is a font of knowledge with a firecracker presence. The way he lit up the room with big ideas and engaged all of the participants was truly impressive.”
Lovdy E. H.. Grossman, Director, Office of Conferences & Training, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin
Dear Tom: This time I was able to see what I had missed when you were here in 2014: Wisdom and energy all wrapped up in perpetual motion! Thank you for joining us again. Not only did you capture and hold the attention of your audience, you were able to show them how to imagine ways to set and use goals to make progress toward their hopes and dreams as young leaders.
You clearly inspired the conference participants with your enthusiasm for learning and sharing useful ideas. Your personal stories made students and others hand on every word you had to say. Friday afternoon can be the toughest time slot for a speaker but you made it into a time of excitement instead.
It all starts with inspiration and awakening a sense of potential among a group of young people. So thank you so very much for joining us and for helping us make a small investment in some of America’s and Mexico’s young leaders. With great appreciation,
Howard T. Prince II, PhD, Clinical Professor, Loyd Hackler Endowed Chair in Ethical Leadership, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas, Austin.
A Sample of Reactions from Conference Participants:
“This was the best lecture I have ever seen in my life.”
“Very passionate.”
“Dr. Morris is an AMAZING speaker! His tips for success were enlightening! His energy is just captivating! I LOVED IT!!!”
“Very funny and great content!”
“When someone can make you laugh and cry in one presentation, they are very effective at capturing attention and emotion. I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Morris’s presentation and will take his approach to goal setting with me everywhere I go.”
January, 2019 inBox
(On a talk to 700 leaders and top practitioners from across industries and around the world, for a meeting that happens ever three years and for which I’ve often done the closing session)
Good morning, Tom! I wanted THANK YOU again for always bringing your wisdom, energy, wit, warmth, and goodness to the Forum! I thought you’d enjoy the comments about your talk from the post-Forum surveys! Here’s what your cousins had to say about it!
Tom’s best talk so far
Just what the weekend needed as a close . . . how to bring this all together. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and was upset that some of my family and friends were not able to see it . . . they would have enjoyed it.
Tom is always terrific.
Well done! He gets better every time. My spouse really enjoyed his presentation as well.
A lot of fun
Always entertaining, a good tradition to end the Forum
Unbelievably entertaining with real life applications
A hoot
Nice wrap-up
Great, as always.
Great as usual
He’s good! On my flight home the young man sitting next to me was reading ... The Epic of Gilgamesh!
Tom is always very engaging and I am a sucker for his philosophical comedy. Very "edu-taining"
Great talk
First time I've heard him speak and I loved the funny, folksy but academic philosophizing.
Could not have been more fun, memorable, and on target. His presentation mode is so great!
It was nice to end on a humorous note
LOVED this!
As always, most entertaining!
beautiful, well modulated, structured and brilliant - a star turn to send us home with.
Tom is a master. Please always include him in the Forum, forever and ever.
You showed up often in the “what would you like to see repeated at the next Forum?” list as well, of course! So I’m afraid you’re stuck with this gig for life! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
MEGAN MAZZOCCHI, Associate Director, Morehead-Cain Foundation
May 2019
October, 2018
"In 2017 Tom was our keynote speaker at our annual sales conference and his 7C's of Success was one of the best talks we've ever had. It was so highly rated that we decided, in a very bold and rare move, to bring Tom back to continue the conversation in 2018. He picked right up where he left off and talked about the Four Foundations of Greatness. He has a way of making his point in a relatable way using his considerable charm and sense of humor. But his content is timeless and true and at the core of his message lies real wisdom of the ages. Tom has become our company philosopher for life!"
Tom Lakatos, Lincoln Investment
October, 2018
Tom: Thank you! Your talk was a big home run!
CAROL DOUGHERTY, Associate Headmaster, Perkiomen School
On a talk for the Board of Trustees and guests
October, 2018
Tom: It was great having you join us at our annual meeting this last week. I know our members really enjoyed your presentation, knowledge base, and great sense of humor.
Peggy Westby, Minnesota Hospital Associatio
October, 2018
Tom: Thank you for presenting. I had a chance to talk to a number of members and the feedback was really good. Thank you!
Corey Martin, Senior Director, Education, Iowa Hospital Association
Tom: I recently attended your closing address at the Iowa Hospital Association in Des Moines.
Great stuff!
Thomas Bahls, Foundation Coordinator, Clarke County Hospital
August, 2018
Thanks, again, Tom! Great session, as always.
Scott Czechlewski, Director of Communications, Wilmington Chamber Leadership
February, 2018
Tom, I’m finally home and somewhat caught up and have a minute to write you and thank you so much for everything that you did for the conference.
Start to finish it was a true pleasure – to catch up after all of these years and to experience the magic of what you brought our attendees. Based on their reaction, I’d say it was everything and more than I had hoped for! We will stay in touch much better than in the past and look for more ways to work together. Yes? Happy weekend!
Laura Woodburn, M.S.Ed. Executive Director, Education, Health Forum and Speakers Express
An American Hospital Association Company
(After a wonderful long standing ovation for philosophy from 875 hospital executives!)
February, 2018
YOU WERE FANTASTIC. TRULY INSPIRATIONAL. My team could not talk enough about the experience. They referred to you as an experience, not a “speech” or a “session.” To me, that is an amazing compliment, when you can present and people feel it as though you connected directly with each and every one of them.
Regards, Joel Rickman, Vice President, Verification Services, Equifax Inc.
Tom – You were simply outstanding! People are still giving you rave reviews. You are in my permanent Outlook Contact list!
Best, Robin Holland, SVP, Employer Services
Tom – You were great. Very much enjoyed the energy, the message, and the challenge you laid out! My sincere thanks to you for your time and message.
My best, Erik Trusler, Senior Marketing Officer, Workforce Solutions
Hey Tom - great presentation - I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Gerry Baldwin, SVP, Workforce Analytics
November, 2017
Tom: There are no words to properly thank you for the Miracle you brought to me yesterday.
You are truly inspiring and your words landed with an impact on me as they did everyone else there yesterday! You gave them all, and especially me, much to think about and act on!
Your engagement, pre and post presentation with the attendees, in addition to your contagious inspiration and commitment to purpose felt like we had all just caught our own personal shooting star. You opened up the truth and path for each of us to succeed. Thank you is not enough.
Bunny Shiflett, Founder BYOGA, on a True Success talk for the conference Bring It On!
November, 2017
Tom: I can't tell you how wonderful the feedback was I received after your talk. I wished I could have grabbed you before I had to go up and speak but you had a line. You have an amazing gift....thank you for allowing us to share in it.
My best, Dani Wright SVP--PCG Southern Regional Productivity Manager
Wells Fargo Advisors
October, 2017
Hi Tom,
I just had to email you to let you know how very much I enjoyed your presentation today at the Lincoln Wealth Management Forum. I have been to and have run a lot of conferences in my career and have heard a lot of speakers. You are a rarity in that you are the complete package. Your presentation style, content, sense of humor, energy and impact was huge. You got me thinking about what I’m truly passionate about.
I have to also tell you that most of my conversations tonight with the other attendees were about how impactful your presentation was. You may have impacted a lot of football players in the past, but today you touched the lives of a lot of advisors with a message I know they will carry on to their staff and clients. Thank you for investing so much in so many.
You truly were the highlight of my conference experience. Thank you. I wish you the very best in your adventure.
Donna Caloia, CMP, Lincoln Investment / Legend Group
Tom – Thank you so much for a wonderful presentation. We are getting great feedback!
It was a pleasure to work with you. Thanks again!
Karen Yergey Duncan, Marketing Manager
Tom: Your presentation was awesome ... I have you on my top 5 all time best list. Thanks for making the conference special.
Ed Forst, President, Lincoln Investment
October, 2017
On a Zoom Internet Event with The Digital Creative Institute:
Everyone on the team loved your talk and we've all been deeply moved by the wisdom you've shared with us. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us. - Alexa Schlotfeld
Tom: Thanks for the talk with us at DCI Talent! It was truly life-changing. We are all still talking about it! - Sarah Waller
Tom, you are a leader creator. It's amazing to see how you're challenging young professionals to work with purpose and integrity. And it's an honor to have you as a mentor in the first digital marketing apprenticeship in North America. - Victor Vo, Program Manager, DigitalCreativeInstitute.com
September, 2017
Tom: Thank you so much for speaking with us last week. RAVE reviews. Everyone just loved your talk and engaging with you.
Joy Skinner, Director, Projects and Planning, Palmetto, GBA
August, 2017
Tom Morris’ message was right on target. Our group of 5,000 occupational health and safety professionals was connected, interested and inspired learning about the 7 C’s of Success. Thank you Tom!
Stephanie Rennie-Sanchez, CMP, Senior Manager, Conferences & Meetings, American Society of Safety Engineers after a long, gratifyingly boisterous standing ovation in the Denver Convention Center. Even the big blue bear got to his feet.
June, 2017
Group Leader Workshops & Senior Management Seminar
Our groups have had the pleasure of having Tom speak to our guests at (4) different events this year and all have been outstanding and he has received rave reviews every time! The #1 comment at the end of each of his presentations is: “Best Speaker Ever!”
Tom: You are well received every time and have such a genuine way of delivering relatable, powerful, and inspirational messages that the guests look forward to seeing you again and again. You have such a wonderful talent for connecting with people, through your humor, your wisdom & of course your candy!
The very unique way you are able to adapt and always build upon your last speaking engagement with the group and connect to your new topic is a talent and keeps the guests engaged, energized and always wanting more of Tom Morris the Great Business Philosopher!
And, on a personal note you are a delight to work with and I look forward to seeing you always and often!
Kim Sanchez, Corporate Event Planner & President, Exclusive Meetings & Events
May, 2017
Thank you so much Tom - you were a big hit once again! I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews about your talk and I personally thought it was excellent.
You just have a wonderful talent for connecting with people through stories, humor and authenticity, which when coupled with your sage advice (rooted in the teachings of the great philosophers), is just perfect for these types of business seminars!
Please send any follow-up ideas directly to me, as we will be sharing with the group.
Thanks so much and please keep in touch with information about other topics/talks that you are creating, so we can keep you in mind for future events.
Best, Jill Davis, Senior Vice President, Strategic & Ancillary Services
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina on a senior leadership event
(Note: It was great and gratifying to be the first speaker ever asked back a second time!)
April, 2017
Thank you Dr. Morris for coming to speak to us. I enjoyed your message very much and will begin implementing The 7 Cs of Success into my own work ethic. Thank you again for imparting your knowledge and wisdom to us.
Angela D. Brown, Family Health Centers, Inc.
March, 2017
“We were very fortunate to have Tom speak at our annual CEO retreat in April. Tom not only entertained us, he gave us a multitude of valuable and thought provoking ideas to take back to our everyday lives as well as our careers.”
The Milestone Team, Milestone Equity Partners, for a talk in Miami
November, 2016
"When choosing a keynote speaker for your event, there’s a lot on the line. When you choose Tom Morris, you are guaranteed to get a speaker who will engage, energize, and get your audience to think long and hard about what makes leaders and teams successful.
Booking Tom is getting the wisdom of a philosopher, the pragmatism of a business executive, and the wit of a Mark Twain. Like a good book, or your favorite movie, Tom will leave you thinking about his framework for success for weeks and months to come."
Jan Rutherford, Green Beret, Author and Founder, Self-Reliant Leadership, on a talk for his top CEO clients
November, 2016
We absolutely LOVED your session and we have received so much positive feedback!! We will definitely be in touch soon!!
Samantha Sanchez, Business Development Specialist, Colorado Business Bank
It was extraordinary, Tom.
Scott Page, President and Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Business Bank and Arizona Business Bank
November, 2016
Our faculty and stuff loved Tom Morris’ talk on the Seven C’s of Success! He was engaging, entertaining, and offered the wisdom of the ages in a way that students could relate to and apply to their lives. This was philosophy in it’s best form—deep but accessible, and relevant to the lives of all who were there.
Mike Austin, Chairman and professor, Department of Philosophy, Eastern Kentucky University
November, 2016
Tom: Many thanks, I am amazed and very appreciative that you found time in your busy schedule to put on this lecture. We (you!) have received many complements so I can assure you that the evening was a great success! I am always revitalized and inspired by your talks and writings and I know others who say the same. Looking forward to the next book!
Frank B Gibson, Jr, Attorney, for a public lecture at Saint James Episcopal Church
October, 2016
Tom – It was unforgettable. Thank you for everything.
Christopher Gaddis, JBS Foods, on a talk for their leaders from Brazil, Mexico, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the United States
October, 2016
Tom: There are not adequate words to tell you how excited we all are after your fantastic Lectureship remarks. I am getting calls from people all over the country saying what an impact you had on their lives.
Maury Stewart, Penn Mutual, regarding "True Success" at the prestigious Maurice Stewart Lectureship
Hi Tom: Penn Mutual loved having you and your presentation was a hit! The crowd was riveted the whole time you were speaking. Some of the feedback I heard personally was that you were, “fantastic,” “phenomenal,” and “very motivational.” I thought your approach of combining the philosophers of the ages and making their wisdom relevant today was very interesting and thought provoking. I’m so glad I could be part of this event and see it all come together so beautifully. I’m sure the follow up conversations you had afterwards confirmed that your message really resonated.
Jenny Hall, Director, Field Marketing and Communication, The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company
Thank you, Tom! You were a big hit.
Kristin Huston, Penn Mutual
October, 2016
Tom: Thank you for delivering a wonderful presentation at the COO Leadership Meeting!
The COO Communications Team, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
September, 2016
Tom: I had a wonderful time hanging with you yesterday – what an honor that was for me!
GREAT presentation to our company – positive words all around both yesterday and today! I even went home and talked with my kids about turning the telescope around! I hope we meet again one day – until then, I will be spending time within my oasis! Have a great weekend!
Sharon Benner, Administrative Assistant to Dan Atherton, Vice President, Federal Programs, Blue Cross, Blue Shield of North Carolina
September, 2016
Tom: I want to thank you for your engaging and insightful talk today at our annual Risk Management Summit event in Austin, Texas. Key people from over 130+ financial institutions both small and very large were present today and were captivated with your insights.
I especially like all the real life stories you shared to back up your own thoughts and those from philosophers from various points in history. Both the content and the delivery of it were spot on for the audience. I have helped in executing events for over fifteen years, from ten person events all the way to ten thousand and I have seen a lot of keynote speakers over the years. You rank in the top few in terms of leaving an impression on the audience! Each attendee at our conference can take the wisdom you shared today and go back and apply it to their everyday life.
On a personal note, I have five kids ranging from six years old to fourteen. When I get back Friday evening I'm going to share with them the 7 Cs of success which you shared with us today. I have been exposed over the years to aspects of these seven points but didn't fully appreciate each one in depth and how they all come together like you explained this morning.
I overheard many people after your talk sharing their thoughts and how they liked it and everyone I spoke with from Sageworks enjoyed your talk as well. If you ever swing through Raleigh make sure you give me a call. I missed out not having you as a professor when I was at the University of Notre Dame! I look forward to reading all of your books. Thank you.
Eric Baxley, Chief Marketing Officer, SageWorks
September, 2016
What a great session it was! I always think better after hearing or reading your insight. Thanks so much, Tom, for distilling the wisdom of great thinkers into nuggets that physicians can use daily to manage stress, see opportunity, and avoid burnout. Diligently applied, the principles you illuminated will make us more resilient and better able to create good health among the people we serve. What a gift! (On a talk for 100 doctors on stress, burnout, and resilience.)
Dr. Philip Brown, Physician Administrative Director, New Hanover Regional Medical Group
September, 2016
We were fortunate to have Tom Morris as our annual Labor Day speaker at King’s College. The auditorium was packed, and the audience was delighted by his uplifting, entertaining, and high-energy presentation on “The Four Foundations of Greatness: Ethics and Excellence in Work and Life.”
Dr. Greg Bassham, Professor of Philosophy, King's College - on a public talk, September 7.
August 2016
Tom: Thank you so much for agreeing to speak tonight. I thought your speech was perfect. It was so right for these times, discussing the trend of anti-intellectualism but in a non threatening way. Tying this theme along with philosophy and the life of the mind to the importance of graduate school education laced with humor was so spot on for tonight.
Thank you so much!
Blair Kutrow, University of North Carolina Graduate School Board
Dear Tom: Thank you! Your talk was just fantastic! We have had so many compliments. You made the evening wonderful for us and our guests.
Steven Matson, Dean of The Graduate School, UNC-Chapel Hill
August, 2016
Tom: Thank you again for spending such good time with us! It was truly wonderful to see you and re-connect. Thank you for a fabulous presentation and conversation. The team loved being with you, and we talked about some things related to your session that we will flush out more in the weeks and months ahead. So, a great success!
All best in everything you are doing, Tom. Great to see how your career has unfolded and all the interesting things you’re doing. Awesome stuff! - Sincerely, Scott.
Scott Malpass, Chief Investment Officer, University of Notre Dame
August, 2016
It was a lot of fun to talk on the porch with you and Blas for several hours. You were a great example of presence then and throughout the two days—never wondering what else was next or what anxiety was around the corner. Simply there, peaceful and excited to talk about life.
Thanks, Tom, and Go Irish! - Paul.
Paul Buser, Investment Director, University of Notre Dame Investment Office
June 2016
Tom: As for the conference, you were a huge hit, a star. Thank you for helping make this retreat, by far, the best one yet. My hope is that, as we build this national urology group, we will connect again and have you continue to speak to and inspire an whole new group of Chesapeake Urology urologists. Have a great rest of the summer and we will stay in touch.
Sanford J. Siegel, M. D., President/CEO, Chesapeake Urology
June 2016
Neil McCormack, Chief Executive Officer, California Special Districts Association
June 2016
After a major fundraiser for Cape Fear Literacy:
Tom, Thanks for your inspiring speech and your book signing. - Vinod K Rangra
You were AWESOME!!! Thank you!! - Brenda Hughes
Thank you Mr. Morris! You are a phenomenal speaker and I am going to begin reading my book tonight.
Tom: You were great today, and I want to thank you personally for what you have done for the Cape Fear Literacy Council. - Jim Snow
Tom – Excellent job today! As a volunteer, supporter, board member of CFLC I join many others in thanking you. Your talk was outstanding. Everyone I invited was so impressed by your comments and all thanked me for inviting them to attend the event. CFLC is an extra special place. You helped to make this an extra special and very successful event. I will be ordering a copy of The Oasis Within and will follow you on social media.
William H. Sewell, Managing Director, Producing Branch Complex Manager, BB&T Scott & Stringfellow
May 2016
Tom: You did a great job and made me look good! See you soon.
Doug Farnsley, President, Kentucky Bar Association on a talk for their annual conference
May 2016
Tom: You were a huge hit! I saw Gill on Friday and was telling him how grateful we were to have you come and speak. You bring great insight and energy and I know people enjoyed it.
Alicia Ariatti, Program Manager, Bingham Fellows | Leadership Louisville Center
April, 2016
Tom: Another fantastic job! I also appreciate the extra time you spend with our advisory board members. I know everyone enjoyed you very much. Take care and until next time!
Robert Vrij, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, SVP & Managing Director EG AMS
April, 2016
Tom: I cannot express how pleased I am with you taking the 5 E’s and making them the highlight of the conference. I think we are so lucky to have you as our speaker and professor to take Vista Host to the next level.
Michael Harrell, Chief Executive Officer, Founder, Vista Host, commenting on a talk about their new culture values: Engagement, Enthusiasm, Empathy, Efficiency, and Excellence.
March, 2016
Tom, it was fantastic to get to meet you and we are extremely grateful for your outstanding contribution. The attendees loved it! Let’s keep in touch and if there are any speaking opportunities or philosophical questions that come up, you can rest assured that I will be in touch.
Best, Klaus Mergener, MD, PhD, MBA, Conference Director, GI Roundtable 2016
March, 2016
Tom, You exceeded some very high expectations and wowed everyone to whom I spoke. Look forward to another event in the future.
Tom Deas, Jr, MD, Vice President, Physician Engagement, North Texas Specialty Physicians
March, 2016
Tom: There is not a single person I have spoken with who has not gushed about how much they enjoyed your talk. I believe there have also been a number of Google searches for the Winnie the Pooh commercial. What you said was inspiring. In working with children, we always hope that we plant a seed. I think the same can be said about your outline for success. It planted a seed that encourages all to look at the work we do a little differently and maybe bring a few new ideas to the table. It made a difference. Thank you.
The Honorable Deborah Domine, Magistrate, on a talk for over 400 people working in the Northern Indiana Juvenile Justice System, sponsored by First Source Bank and Beacon Health.
March, 2016
"I have heard Tom Morris talk on three different occasions over the past few years to three completely different audiences. Tom has the ability to weave the key principles important to living a successful life and important to managing any size of a business into his presentations. He also has the ability to focus and change his discussion based on the audiences, bringing a deeper meaning to the presentation.”
James R. Seitz, President, 1st Source Bank
February, 2016
Tom: You were stupendous today! I can't begin to thank you enough. We appreciate it so so much. Look forward to seeing you again soon!
Kate Baynard, New Hanover Regional Library Foundation (for a fundraising talk)
January, 2016
As I was researching leadership speakers for a large conference, Tom’s name kept coming up. But I had to ask myself, will a Philosopher talking about leadership work at a conference for an Agriculture Co-op? The answer is a resounding “Yes!!”. Tom brought a great message and great energy to the stage. He used his story telling prowess to drive home key points of his presentation (7 C’s of Leadership) and he was very well received by the audience. He was a pleasure to work with before, during and after the program. I highly recommend Dr. Tom Morris.
Andy Schuster – Manager (leadership developing and training), GROWMARK, Inc.
January, 2016
After a talk to 300 members of the UNC-Chapel Hill Athletic Department, and other administrators:
It is clear to see why Tom Morris’s classes at Notre Dame were so immensely popular. He doesn’t just teach philosophy; he engages his audience in a dynamic conversation about what’s important in their lives that keeps them on the edge of their seats. His ‘Seven C’s of Success’ works for corporate executives, coaches and students alike and is a blueprint that anyone can easily comprehend and apply to their personal and professional lives.
Bubba Cunningham, Director of Athletics, University of North Carolina
Tom: Thanks so much for coming to speak with our staff yesterday—a great presentation with wonderful messages. You were a big-time hit!
Larry Gallo, Jr., Executive Associate Director of Athletics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tom: Thanks so much for your talk this morning to our staff. I think it is just the message we needed to hear to kick off the new semester. Now, of course, it'll be our job to implement and reinforce these principles in concrete, behavioral ways!
Nicki Moore, Senior Associate Director of Athletics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with our entire athletic department yesterday. I LOVED your message, content, delivery ... Excellent Stuff! The philosophical substance contained in your presentation significantly resonated with me! Thanks again for your message, encouragement and inspiration and keep up the great work!
John Brunner, UNC Athletics
Tom: I really enjoyed your talk this morning. I had a lot of things I needed to do, but wasn't distracted by them because your talk was so exceptional. Thank you for sharing.
Roy Williams, UNC Tar Heels Head Basketball Coach
November, 2015
Tom: You were OUTSTANDING - I can't thank you enough. Just the perfect blend of energy, wisdom, humor, and practical tips - It was perfect! I couldn't be happier with the way everything turned out.
I appreciate the short implementation email - I head a number of folks used some of your quotes during their regional breakout sessions on Friday morning, so that would be particularly helpful! The books were such a nice treat for everyone as well - THANK you for taking the time to sign them all. Kind Regards, Kristin.
Kristin Ainsworth, Vice President, Marketing, TESARO, Waltham, MA
A Note on the same event sent to the speakers' bureau:
Tom was amazing. Amazing. He did such a fantastic job!! The crowd loved him. He was enthusiastic, engaging, humorous, supportive, helpful, captivating, and everyone learned something. I hope he had as much fun as we did. Thank you for your fabulous recommendation, as always!
October, 2015
Tom: You were awesome!
Your talk was an absolute home run. Folks talked about it for the rest of the meeting. I just received survey results and out of 4 stars you rated 3.95, with hundreds of votes on app, which means virtually everyone gave you 4 out of 4 stars. Congrats and thank you!
I have started reading “The Oasis Within” and I love it.
Caleb Callahan, COO and Executive Vice President, ValMark Securities - after a standing ovation from 450 financial professionals at a national meeting in Orlando
September, 2015
Tom - Thank you so much. Your presentation was simply outstanding! It was a pleasure having you at our program. Justice David just incorporated your 7Cs for success into his remarks during our afternoon plenary. I can't thank you enough for being willing to come back to Indiana and talk with our judges. You were all the buzz after your presentation. Everyone loved it!
Thanks again for the wonderful session. It was a pleasure working with you.
Warm regards, Vicki
Vicki Davis, Indiana Judicial Association, Annual Meeting
August, 2015
Tom - Amazing. Big hit with all. Thank you! Really appreciate your being with us. And glad we finally got to work together. Safe travels!
Amon Marstiller, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
July 2015
Tom: Thank you, again, for talking with us at LEAD! You were a huge hit!
Here are some sample comments:
"I loved the high energy of the presentation and the connection of applying universal philosophical principles to the work of leadership. The amount of time was right and left me feeling energized."
"Highlight of the week by far!"
"The wait staff (at the famous resort) commented that they had the opportunity to hear lots of speakers but Tom Morris was at the top of the list."
"Wow!!! He gave us so much to think about and a list of resources to consult."
"We need to have him speak to a larger audience. His message on success is right on target for our mission."
Barbara H. Zwadyk, Ed.D. Director, Coaching, Leadership Coach North Carolina New Schools
May 2015
Dear Tom: You are a wonderfully talented, effective communicator! Thank you for being with us yesterday. Your discussion of social connections was perfect! Graduation is a special event for us. You made it a VERY special experience. Thank you again, Tom, for all your help. Best Wishes!
Haskell Rhett, Leadership Wilmington, NC, Chamber of Commerce
May 2015
The NC Association of Volunteer Administrators recently had the incredible privilege to hear Tom Morris speak at our annual conference, and the attendees absolutely raved about his keynote! Some of the enthusiastic feedback included “very entertaining!”, “amazing!”, “want to hear more talks on his other books,” “He is inspiring and energetic!” and “WOW! Enthusiasm! Energy!” His classic presentation on Mastering the 7 C’s of Success is poignant and timeless; the lessons and footnotes are universal for any profession at any level. By introducing quotes from great thinkers and philosophers combined with his and his friends’ personal stories, his presentation is decidedly relatable and encouraging. Here’s hoping I get a second chance to attend a Tom Morris presentation!
Brooke Banson, Conference Director, NCAVA, and Recruitment Director, Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines
May 2015
Dr. Morris: As an ASCA Board member I was on the front row for your presentation this morning in Orlando. I captured a few Snickers for "Aristotle and Thomas Jefferson" and loved your insight, energy, humor, and wisdom. I fear that if you had been my professor in college, alas, I may have pursued a career in philosophy rather than science and medicine. Your clear and penetrating truths resonated well with my experience. You created quite a buzz throughout the audience.
I am co-director of GI Roundtable 2016 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area March 10-12, 2016. This conference typically gathers 350-400 gastroenterologists, managers, and vendors to take a strategic look at healthcare directions and how we can improve our organizations and create more value in care delivery. Would you be available and interested in serving as a keynote speaker in our program? If you believe this would work for you please send further information regarding next steps?
Tom Deas, Jr. M.D. MsMM, Director, Physician Development, North Texas Specialty Physicians
Sample Tweets From the audience of 1,200 medical people at ASCA:
@LeasaHermanson Thank you @TomVMorris Humility + Nobility #ASCAconf
@Jwilliams1495 @TomVMorris was great today #ASCAconf
@navneetgosal Great session by @TomVMorris in the AM. #ASCAconf
@CoachhoodSHS @TomVMorris I love "If Aristotle Ran GM." Life changing stuff!
May 2015
Tom: As I expected, we received tremendous positive feedback on your presentation—we haven’t gone through our meeting evaluations yet, but I expect they will mirror the comments received on-site. Thanks for the inspirational talk, and I will forward your next email out ot the our attendees—I’m sure they will appreciate the follow-up. Cheers. Bill
William Prentice, CEO, The Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA)
May 2015
Tom, I had the opportunity to be in the audience last week when you spoke at the CRS Conference at the 4-Seasons in Vegas. Great, motivating performance! Thanks, and I look forward to reading your book this weekend.
Lance Black, President, Northland Group
March 2015
Hi Tom. Thank you for participating in our 2 CIO meetings. Your talk on the 7 C’s of Success was everything I hoped it would be and more – fun, engaging, relevant, informative and entertaining. Our customers are still talking about your presentation. I also appreciate your personal follow-up after the meetings. Nice touch. Thanks again for your contribution to the successful meetings.
Brad Harwell, office of the customer, Hewlett Packard
March 2015
Tom: Everyone loved your speech last night! Thank you so much for joining us at the Engineers Week banquet, Hernando has been receiving a lot of excellent feedback on your speech. Many have said it was the best speaker we’ve had in a long time. Everyone was very entertained and inspired, which was exactly the goal of the banquet. Thank you for believing in our goal and representing it at the Awards Banquet.
We hope that there are opportunities in the future to have another session with you. Thank you again for your time and talent, it was much appreciated by everyone!
Amanda Scotto, GE Hitachi Nuclear
March 2015
Tom, you were a hit as I knew you would be. I have already had a few other GEH groups reach out to me to get your information so you may hear from some of them shortly. Thank you so much for spending your evening with us. This can be a tough crowd but the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend. Sally
Sally S. Piepmeyer Engineering Operations Leader GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
March 2015
Tom was great! The topic was perfect for the audience based on our strategy and leadership behaviors we talked about earlier in the day ... so timely!
Tom has a great ability to leverage his incredible experience and knowledge to deliver a powerful message that resonates with the audience in a funny, story-filled way. I loved his story of his friend who couldn't play his tambourine if his life depended on it but ended up being one of the most successful song writers in Nashville.
Thanks again! It was a pure pleasure! The team loved the talk.
Renee Spero, Bank of America
March 2015
Tom: Thank you so much for your energetic, fun and informative session. It really went down well. I had many compliments for introducing you to the team. You impressed a number of people, so they too may want future engagements. Thanks again and hope to see you soon.
Tony Kerrison, CTO Global Wholesale Banking, Bank of America
March 2015
Tom: Your session at dinner was excellent and exactly what we needed. The team was energized and talked about the C's the following day in many of the sessions. We'll stay in touch and it would be great to find a way for you to stay engaged with us.
David Reilly, Chief Technology Officer, Bank of America
January 2015
Hi Tom. Thanks for your note. I got 100% positive comments on you! Well deserved! We help put on lots of these types of events, I look forward to using you again in the future. Once again, you were a big hit at our Summit! Best,
Randy H. Eller, President, Eller Enterprises. Director, CEO Summit, Conference Gift and Home Industry, Las Vegas
January 2015
Everyone was highly impressed with your seminar! Thank you, Tom!
Dan Kingsbury, Saint James Plantation
December, 2014
Hi Tom. Your session was everything I hoped it would be and more. So fun, engaging and impactful. Our customers loved it. They were still talking about it in the meeting the following day. We will see you in London in March. Thanks and look forward to seeing you again.
Brad Harwell, Hewlett Packard, Office of the Customer
(On a talk given to the HP Board of Advisors for the Americas - a group of mainly CIOs from Fortune 50 companies)
December, 2014
Tom Morris clearly hit the ball out of the park for us today!
Robert Vrij, Head of Enterprise Sales, Hewlett Packard
August, 2014
Tom: Your talk was perfect! It was even better than we expected! it was wonderful!
Megan Mazzocchi, Assistant Director, Morehead-Cain Foundation
May, 2014
Dear Tom:
Thank you for arranging your busy schedule to speak to the Pratt & Whitney executive team last week at our annual Executive Leadership Forum. You impressed the group with your energy level and your ability to frame a complex issue in a way that is relatable and easy to understand. Thank you for the guidance and framework that I'm sure will help ensure we operate ethically each day, in everything we do.
On behalf of everyone at Pratt & Whitney, thank you once again for attending and sharing your insights. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you again in the future.
Paul Adams, President, Pratt & Whitney.
February, 2014
On a new talk - Leadership Magic: Harry Potter and the Wisdom of the Wizards
Dear Tom: I can’t thank you enough for participating in our conference. Your presentation was very well received by the students and exceeded our expectations! They kept talking about the lessons learned as you had explained them, well after Friday.
Starr Corbin, The Center for Ethical Leadership, University of Texas, Austin
Thank you for your presentation. It was truly brilliant and thought provoking. Web
Your lecture was AMAZING! Erland
It is hard to come across a speaker that is as passionate, relatable, and enlightening as you were. You helped me to realize all of the possibilities for my future and how to equip myself with the tools along the way. I appreciate your positivity and inspiration, and hope to read your books soon. Jacob
I am deeply impacted and inspired by your imagination, creativity, and correlation skills. Thank you so much for making a difference in my life. Yashuant Prakash Vyas
You are truly inspiring! Robin
Honestly, you were my favorite speaker ... Allison Vasquez
Your lecture and enthusiasm were wonderful. I am grateful I had the opportunity to be there. I feel inspired and empowered. You are a great teacher and role model. Keep doing your thing! Jack
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. Your approach to "leadership magic" was insightful and refreshing (a nice change from the run-of-the-mill leadership talk). You really embody the idea of "loving creativity." Eleanore
You were really inspiring ... Nicole
January, 2014
On a new talk - Jobs@Work: The Success and Leadership Secrets of Steve Jobs
Thanks for being the highlight of our conference, and for pointing out that it's not really about Jobs, it's about how EACH of us can put a dent in the universe.
Geoffrey Dorhmann, CEO, IREI
Tom exceeded our expectations. He is an amazing speaker, and really made our event special! He hit the ball out of the ballpark with his knowledge, insights and energy. Besides being a gifted speaker, he is truly a gentleman's gentleman. He was very accessible after his speech, with our attendees, which everyone who had a chance to meet him appreciated very much. Tom's friendly, fun-loving approach won over everyone he met.
John Hunt, Program Manager, VIP Americas
Institutional Real Estate
November, 2013
As a keynote speaker, Tom Morris is unique in his ability to listen to me as a client, really listen, and understand my needs so well that he can custom tailor his presentations for maximum positive impact. Anyone can see from his videos the combination of energy, humor, and wisdom that wins over audiences, but what's even more important is his rare capacity to use his intellectual abilities to serve his clients in a deep and productive way. He doesn't just show up and give a talk; he brings a customized gift to each member of his audience, a gift of just the right insights that we can use right away to make a difference in our business and in our lives. Anyone who hesitates asking this philosopher to open or close their meeting needs to talk to me.
David R. McWilliams, Head, Wealth Management Transformation
UBS Financial Services
October, 2013
Tom – I’m not sure I can find the words to thank you adequately for helping us launch The Greater Clark Foundation last night. You rocked it, as I knew you would. And you inspired everyone in the room. I can’t tell you how many people have sent me a note saying something similar to, “I don’t remember ever being so inspired.” I am very much looking forward to inviting you back in the next couple of years to see how we’re doing and to remind us that we are in this world to make good things happen. Your work is a gift – thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Jen Algire, President & CEO, The Greater Clark Foundation
September, 2013
Dr. Morris: Thank you once again for such a wonderful presentation! You made another lasting impression on our team! The feedback I've received thus far has been phenomenal! Thanks again for everything!
Joe Viglietta, Vice President of Operations and Sales & Marketing, VISTA HOST
August, 2013
Tom: You were outstanding again this year. The Retreat was a hit largely due to your gift of time for us. The comments coming back to me on Monday evening, and since, were completely complimentary and most were in awe of both your stamina and the depth and breadth of your experience. Thank you for all you do for Wilmington, and thank you for the excellent experience and shared knowledge you have given Leadership Wilmington 2014.
Haskell Rhett, Director, Leadership Wilmington
Wilmington, NC Chamber of Commerce
July, 2013
Tom: Your presentation last night was FABULOUS! We have all heard nothing but great things!! Thank you so much for helping make a wonderful evening the best!
Jill Alward
First Source Bank, 150th Anniversary Celebration
This iphone shot was taken an hour before Tom was to speak to First Source Bank, for their 150th Anniversary, at the Morris Civic Auditorium. And, yes, the balcony also filled up before the time of the talk, in this beautiful and historic building.
Excellent! You were inspiring and we’ve had so many great comments about your talk. Thanks so much for being a part of our celebration.
Melissa Collins
First Source Bank
May, 2013
Want to get energized? Feel good about life? Laugh? Hire Dr. Tom Morris as your next speaker. It’s no wonder he was Notre Dame’s most popular professor. We had him as our closing speaker at two meetings and he was PHENOMENAL. I highly recommend him.
Michelle McCormac, CMP, Special Events Manager
Farm Credit Bank of Texas
May, 2013
Dear Tom: On behalf of everyone here at ABA, thank you sincerely for your participation at our 2013 Annual Convention. You did a terrific job as the keynote speaker during the ATBI Breakfast. Feedback both onsite and following the event has been tremendously positive, and I know many left the room feeling charged and inspired to set new goals for themselves and their teams. We so much appreciate your traveling to be with us in Florida, and hope you too enjoyed your time with America's bakers.
Sincerely Yours,
Robb Mackie, President and CEO, American Bakers Association
April, 2013
Tom: We received tremendous feedback from the audience about your presentation. It was quite a whirlwind week, and I am thankful that you were able to make it and that your time with my members was so beneficial. The city-wide lockdown ratcheted up the anxiety a bit again on Friday, but we pulled through and received nothing but positive comments from our members about the meeting.
I hope that we can meet again soon. Cheers.
William Prentice, CEO, American Surgical Centers Association (On a talk in the Boston Hynes Convention Center, three days after the Boston Marathon Bombing)
March, 2013
Hello Tom: A whole day has passed since you were here inspiring the Fidelity Charitable organization, and throughout the day I've continued to get rave reviews about your talk. You really struck the right cord at the right time for us, for which I'm truly grateful! Best regards,
Sarah Libbey, President, Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Fidelity Investments
March, 2013
Tom: Thank you for coming and speaking to our group of customers. I have heard positive comments from everyone. Your presentation was engaging and enjoyed by all. Thank you for making yourself available afterwards for the customers and autographing books, too! A nice, special touch. We will pass your name along to others looking for speakers as "highly recommended"! Thank you again, Tom.
Sincerely, Mark A. Dajnowicz, Regional Divisional Marketing & Customer Retention Manager
Customer Care & After Sales, General Motors
February, 2013
Tom: I wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed your talk Saturday at our annual meeting. I have had numerous conversations with employees since Saturday and they are fired up and ready to make great accomplishments in 2013. You did a great job motivating them and myself.
I have heard from a number of employees that you are the “best speaker” that we have ever had, so we would LOVE to have you speak to us again.
Mary Willis, President & CEO, Fidelity Bank
January, 2013
Hey Tom! We really enjoyed your talk last night and everyone raved about you afterwards. Your passion and wisdom are such an inspiration! I was thinking today about the fact that being a source of inspiration and encouragement is really one of the greatest gifts you can give to another person. You were a gift last night and we're very grateful.
Beth Dixon, President, JLW
January, 2013
Tom, I want to thank you again for the fine talk you gave at our global leadership conference. Your command of the material, insights, humor and intellect were the talk of the meeting and awards banquet.
Michael Brannick, CEO, Prometric
January, 2013
Great job! Your presentation was inspiring.
Amy Leis, Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
January, 2013
Tom: Thank you for your efforts. You really have an ability to energize a room. I heard some great feedback from the group and I hope that we can get you back soon.
Kevin Wallace, Manager, Learning and Professional Development
Private Client Group Administration, Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
Feedback on a six hour presentation day:
Hey Tom. Wow, can’t believe a month has passed since we were all together. It really was a “high impact” day and I’ve heard “so much from so many” about how meaningful and profound your insights proved to be. As I’ve told you, I had very high expectations going in and had built you up to a point that I felt a bit “out on a limb”. However, you delivered “big time” and left us all wanting more ...
Bill Rogers, Regional President, Wells Fargo Financial Advisors
Other Recent Client Comments on Keynote Presentations
Tom: On flight home from JAX. Nothing but rave reviews on your talk. I imagine you will hear from a CEO/Director or two. Thanks again!
Ric Andersen, Managing Director, Milestone Partners
I’m 74 years old, and that’s the best talk of any kind I’ve ever heard! Do you always get long, standing ovations like this?
James Peacock (PhD Harvard), Prominent Social Anthropologist (UNC Chapel Hill)
Tom - You were a BIG HIT! I can't thank you enough for your energy, the time you took to make sure your message was on topic for our client's needs and most importantly, the generosity of spirit with which you delivered it all. We will certainly look forward to another opportunity to recommend you to others.
Donna Thomason, Managing Partner, EPIC Productions,
For Polsinelli Shughart National Law Meeting
Absolutely amazing – a home run! The energy he displayed was phenomenal. He was able to conclude closing session with a positive, humorous, but serious conversation that left everyone in a good spot. Many in the room approached me and said at first they were a little skeptical, but were pleasantly surprised. A few stayed behind to speak with him personally and have his email for personal correspondence. I strongly recommend Tom!
Melissa Burnell, after an energetic standing ovation
Executive, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals
Tom: To say that we are grateful for your presence and motivational talk at our Wholesale Lending Sales Meeting doesn't seem like enough. Our employees learned a lot from you and were able to take away thoughts and actions to make them a better sales person and, more importantly, a better person. Thank you for coming to our session and being a part of our success.
Arlene Hyde, Citi
I thought he was fantastic. Consummate professional! As a meeting planner, the beauty part was the he tailored the length of his presentation to the time that we gave him which was especially great because we were running behind and people wanted to get to the busses. I’d recommend him anytime.
Christopher Dent, Internal Events, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals
A Sample of Audience Emails After Tom Morris Talks
Tom: You're a rock star! We loved your talk ... it was fun, inspiring and practical, too! I've carried my 7 C's card around for about a year now and I imagine the rest of the executive gang will begin to do the same. Thanks again for making a difference in our lives.
Tom: I had the privilege of hearing you speak last week. Your presentation changed my life. The energy and love for life and living life that you exemplified set my mind on fire. I am staring at your 7 Cs of Success card since it is now taped to my computer monitor. You are da bomb!!!
Hi Tom! I just had to send you an email about your keynote speech at the AQUA show. It rocked! Usually, I don't attend those portions of shows as I have been to a few that just dragged on and on. You, on the other hand, made it exciting! I had a ton of energy after seeing you, and felt like I was able to expand business with out as much fear as I normally would have. This email is strictly to let you know how much I really enjoyed your speech.
Hi Tom - Our executives thought you were outstanding! It was such a pleasure to meet you - you were as good as we thought you were going to be, and even better (but don't let that go to your head ... ha, ha!).
You certainly lit up the crowd. I've seen a lot of different speakers in front of this group of agents, and your blend of humor, entertainment, intelligence and thoughtful insights for living a richer life were right on target.
Tom Morris was OUTSTANDING! He is one of the most gracious, fun-loving, intuitive, substantive, knowledgeable, well-informed, absolutely SMART speakers I have ever worked with. I just LOVE him! The evaluations are wonderful. He was great and met all of our expectations and more. I hope to book him many more times and we would highly recommend him to anyone looking for a keynote speaker. Tom is so "all-around" knowledgeable, that he can really speak to just about any topic. Thank you for working with us on this booking. Our experience was one we hope to repeat!
Best presentation I have heard - ever!
A Representative List of Tom's Clients
Tom's Speaking Clients Have Included These Fine Companies, Associations, and Organizations - Often with multiple appearances, ranging from 3 or 4, up to 10 or 20, and even over 65 talks for one client company:
Marriott Hotels, Federated Investors, Red Robbin, Bank One, GTE, Cameron School of Business, Shell Oil,
Arthur Andersen, Unysis, Lens Crafters, Notre Dame, The Securities Industry Association, ADP, Act Media, Merrill Lynch, GTE, Scott and Stringfellow, Hewitt Associates, The National Association of Chain Drug Stores, First Data Corporation, The Equitable, The National Juice Producers Association, Northern Trust, General Electric Financial Services, Total Service Systems, Express Stores, Dow Chemical, Ford Motor Company,
Mutual Services Corporation, Netherlands Insurance, Kimbell International Furniture, New Jersey Hospitals Group, IBM, Commercial Real Estate Association, The Grocery Manufacturers of America, Arthur Andersen, Energizer, The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, Fidelity Investments, Shering Plough Pharmaceuticals, Kemper Insurance, Hallmark Cards - and, yes, it's the actual home of Hoops and YoYo,
NALU, Automatic Data Processing, Tennessee Valley Authority, National Cash Register Association, BI Performance, 1st USA, CCC Services, First Union Bank, Federated Investors, National Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, The Snack Food Association of America, Mervyns Stores, The Young Presidents Organization, Pontiac/GMC, The Yellow Pages Publishers Association, National Food Processors Association, South Western Bell, Newell Rubbermaid, National Roofing Contractors Association, Smuckers,
National Telephone Association, Bayer Diagnostics, SIAI, International Health and Racquet Sports Association, Life Agency Management Program, Campbell Soup, North Carolina PTA, National Automobile Dealers Association, Computer Science Corporation, In Flight Food Service Association, Healing Arts Network, International Mass Retail Association, Schlotzky’s Delis, Merrill Lynch, Arthur Andersen, Payne Webber, Western Grocers Association, The American Heart Association,
The Morehead-Cain Foundation, Deltech, Minute Maid, Ace Hardware, Advanta Corporation, MBNA Bank, Precision Metal Forming Association, Bank One, United Way, Farm Credit Bureau, Smith Barney, Urban Land Institute, Prudential Retirement Services, Bank of America, Cooperative Finance, AXA,
Raymond James Financial, VHA, Catholic Healthcare Partners, American Electric Power, Merrill Lynch Canada, Allied Riser, Wyeth Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, GM Delco Parts, The Learning Consortium, Philip Morris, International Paper, Resort Property Management Associates, IBM,
Corning Optical Fibers, Southern Association of States Student Financial Aid Association, Corning Cable, Verizon, Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association, Society for Human Resource Management, Mutual of Omaha, Prudential Carolinas Realty, David A. Noyes Financial, Novartis, Merant Software, General Cologne RE, University of North Carolina - Wilmington (Commencement), Prudential Realty Gibralter Circle, International Association of Avaya Users, Legg Mason Financial Services, The US Air Force,
The Reciprocal Group Insurance, National Auto Auction Association, Aurora Foods, North East Human Resources Association, Champion Enterprises, Society of Financial Service Professionals, Dane Rauscher Financial Services, Stephens Financial, XpedX, Unilever, J. D. Edwards, Institute for Professionals in Taxation, Strong Funds, Soderquist Center for Leadership and Ethics, Wal*Mart, Accenture, Mars,
Georgia Hospital Association, Manulife Financial, Catalina Marketing, Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals, Industrial Fabrics Association, International Council of Shopping Centers, Wyncom Lessons in Leadership International Satellite Conference, CitiMortgage, Commonwealth Financial, Fox and Roach, ING Financial Network, Meeting Planners International, Fairview Healthcare, American Express Financial Advisors, Yamanouchi, Milliman USA, Securities America conference, Ameriprise,
Georgia Hospital Association, RSM McGladrey, Baylor Healthcare, Deutsche Bank Asset Management, Alex Lee, National Association of Home Care Workers, Masterfoods, NHC Medical Society, Wells Real Estate Funds, Society for Human Resources Management,
Federated Investors, Marine Max, Omnicom, Carlson Hotels, Amedisys Healthcare, Signator, John Hancock, Integris Health Systems, Classic Residence by Hyatt, Lincoln Financial, Seagull Software, Walnut Street Securities, Aetna Insurance, QAD Software, John Hancock Insurance, Deloitte,
Metlife, US Citizenship Naturalization Ceremony, American Public Works Association, National Planning Corporation, Jefferson Pilot, Cadaret Grant, Johnson and Johnson, Hyperion Software, United Planners, Sodexho, Global Credit, National Association of Realtors, Kings College, Glaxo Smith Kline, Wilmington Executive Club, Sterling Commerce, Chick-Fil-A, The Guardian Life Insurance, Toyota,
North Carolina Governor’s Conference on Tourism, Film, and Sports, Mattel, SII Investments, QAD Software Users Conference, Hewitt and Associates, Kovack Securities, Northern Trust, Chicago, The Ginn Company, The American Chemical Society, Ricoh, Consortia, AQUA Convention, CNA Insurance, LPL Financial,
Genworth Financial, WMS Gaming, Beckman Coulter, Sun Trust Mortgage, ADEA, Fresenius Medical Care, Cape Fear Community College, Insurance Accounting and Systems Association, CONVATEC, City of Wilmington, Ernst and Young, MMM Law, and for all you Ballers, The NCAA Final Four Committee,
Grupo Bimbo, Sutter Health Care, Emory Healthcare, Donaldson Companies, Financial Planners Association, Association of Manufacturing Technologies, First Citizen’s Bank, Access Group, New Hanover Regional Hospital, Pershing, Wilmington Homebuilders Association, Merrill Lynch Capital, IMS Health, Florida Southern College, CACC, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Renaissance Reinsurance, Alcoa, Prometric, Northwestern Mutual Financial Services,
Dine America Conference, Harris Corporation, University of North Carolina Development, Sun Trust Bank, HR Florida, McNees, Wallace, and Nurick Law, AHEC Coastal Pediatric Nurses, Athletic Business Publications, Leadership, Moore Country, NC, Presbyterian HealthCare, Governor’s Prayer Breakfast, New Mexico, Mass Mutual, Enzon Pharma, United Health Care, Citi Mortgage, National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association, Echelon Sales, Broadridge Financial, Samaritan Counseling,
The Meridian Lecture
The Johns Hopkins Space Science Telescope Institute
Philosopher TomVMorris
Loring Ward Financial, Dayton Power and Light, San Juan Medical, Fresno Pacific University, LIMRA, UNC Wilmington Tax Professionals, American Institute of CPAs, LNR Property International, Aegis Health, Pacific Life, Black Rock,
JP Morgan, Midwest ISO Power Companies, Global Marketing Association, Janney Scott, Ameriprise, CCC Information Services, Prudential Annuities, Progressive Insurance, Columbus Life, UBS, AIG, Commonwealth Financial, Geogia Association of Independent Schools, Premier Health, University of the South, Sewanee,
Credit Suisse, Transamerica, Oklahoma Mortgage Bankers Association, North Carolina United Methodist Annual Conference, Million Dollar Round Table, Association of Local Government CFOs, Davita Healthcare, Wakefern Foods, New Jersey Technology Council, The Association of Boarding Schools,
Wachovia/Wells Fargo Bank, Society of Financial Service Professionals, Navtek, Retail Industry Leaders Association, American Salvage Pool Association, Foodservice Distributors Association, Lineberger Cancer Center, UNC, Home Depot, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,
Society of Corporate Secretaries, T. Rowe Price, Western Alliance Bancorp, CVS Drug Stores, American Dental Eduction Association, Gleacher Investment Bank, Easter Seals of North Carolina and Virginia, Roan Scholars, East Tennessee State University, Rotary of North Carolina, Hospital Corporation of America,
Carolinas Healthcare System, Milestone Partners, Polsinelli Shughart Law, BP Gas and Oil, Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, Chamber of Commerce Leadership Retreat, Property and Casualty Institute, Auto Recycling Association, Coastal Carolina Health Alliance, Wells Fargo Funds, Bayer AG,
Wells Fargo Financial Advisors, Junior League Annual Meeting, Janney Montgomery Scott, Fidelity Bank, AC Delco Southwest Regional Meeting, General Motors, American Surgical Centers Association, University of Texas, Austin.
American Bakers Association, Farm Credit Bank of Texas, First Source Bank, North Carolina Local Government Budget Association, Kentucky Clark County Foundation, IREI – Institutional Real Estate Investors, Pratt and Whitney, Center for Ethical Leadership, Mutual of Omaha.
Wilmington Chamber Leadership Retreat, Luther College, UniGroup (United Van Lines), ComRent, The Forging Industry Association, Encore Capital, Tetra Tech, Hewlett Packard, Saint James Plantation, Eller Enterprises CEO Summit, AAPEX, GE Hitachi Nuclear, Bank of America.
Hewlett Packard Board of Advisors for Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, PMMI, Collections and Recovery Solutions, ASCA, NCAVA, Adhesives and Sealants Council, NC New Schools, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, Indiana Judicial Association, ValMark Securities, AR Ambulatory Surgical Centers Association, Tesaro.
Cape Fear Rotary, Wilmington Rotary, City of Fayetteville, NC: City Leadership, UNC-Chapel Hill Athletic Department.
Growmark, New Hanover County Library Foundation, Johnson Kendall Johnson, Northern Indiana Juvenile Justice System, Vista Host, Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Leadership Louisville, The Kentucky Bar Association, The Cape Fear Literacy Council, PPD, The California Special Districts General Managers Annual Meeting, Chesapeake Urology, University of Notre Dame Investments Office Retreat, Chamber of Commerce Leadership Retreat, University of North Carolina Graduate School Event, King's College, Wyoming Seminary, Sageworks, Cape Fear Academy, Blue Cross Blue Shield, NC, Eastern Kentucky University, The Maurice Stewart Lecture, Penn Mutual Life Insurance, JBS Foods, Blue Cross Blue Shield SC, Peak Equity, The American Society of Safety Engineers, Chamber Leadership, Palmetto GBA, Lincoln Investment, The American Hospital Association, EquiFax Workforce Solutions.