One more this week for those of you who aren’t with me on social media. I’ll not usually do back to back posts here but today, I decided to do so!
Decisions. How many decisions do you make in a given day, week, month, or year? Sometimes they can seem as numerous as a big sky full of migrating birds, and much less likely to make their intended destinations. It can feel overwhelming at times. We walk through a fog of the unknown and radically unpredictable. And yet, we want to get each decision right. But in an uncertain and dynamic world, we should know that’s impossible. No mere human has done it yet. None of us will likely be the first. And so that provides a different perspective on the challenge. Maybe the practical point of decisions isn’t to get them all right, but merely to be fully responsible in them all. We do our best, and this is all that’s asked. The world then takes over and we await the results, which most likely will present more decisions. It’s less like a test a school room exam, but parts of a journey, an adventure forward, where we’re exploring and perhaps building, but it’s all a bit tentative. Our learning and growth is foremost. Our curiosity, creativity, and courage are to be developed and deployed into the world. But perfection isn’t even on the horizon. And to worry about it is wasted energy. We’re here to fly. And the sky is indeed big, with lots of great stops along the way. #growth #building #creativity #learning #courage #decisions #choices #wisdom #life #leadership
Comment: Many people find themselves frozen by decisions, as if so much turns on each one. Once we frame them differently, we free ourselves from most of that pressure. Sure, there are some decisions we have to do our best to get right, but if we’re resilient and creative, if we’re alchemists or what I can lemonade makers, we can adapt and adjust when we see what the world has done with our input. As long as we seek to mitigate risk so that no decision is so bad as to take us out of the game of life altogether, we have the chance to rebound and redirect, change and do that thing everyone mentions these days, pivot. It’s Ok to be even a little bird brained now and then, as long as we’re agile enough to recover and relaunch. And, yeah, we have words like pivot and agile because they name things we need to be able to master. So I try not to be tired of them or irked with their repetitive ubiquity. At least they give us a chance to use phrases like ‘repetitive ubiquity.’