Summer Book Club? Someone suggested here the other day that I host a summer book club for my novel series of philosophical fiction that I often characterize as the best practical and deeper philosophy I've ever written. It came to me as a mental movie and changed my life. So I'm going to ask you all to let me know if you'd like to be part of such an adventure. We'd read together The Oasis Within and The Golden Palace between now and the end of June for a first meeting (Oasis is short, GP is medium length), then do a book a month for succeeding months, digging ever deeper into the ideas. If enough people are interested, I'd try to find a day of the week and time that would work for international time zones. Just let me know if you'd be interested and if there are enough of us, I'll announce within a week or two. And we'll gather around the Zoom campfire, just us, and dig deep. Please forward to friends you think might be interested. Summer Book Club!
If you’re interested, drop me a note at!