I found this image many days ago and it stopped me and whispered to me but I could not hear what it was saying. And then just now, I realized its message to me: Sometimes, we're out in the world doing a multiplicity of good things - we're perhaps getting exercise, going about in a carbon neutral way, taking something of beauty to someone somewhere so that it can be appreciated and even brighten several days, and then in the process we get rained on. And for many, that's a big negative that ruins it all. But for others, it's just another form of beauty and being-in-the-world that can be celebrated for the good it does and the distinctive joy it can also bring.
It's really most often up to us how we view our circumstances, through irritation and complaint or celebration and joy. Even in the worst of situations, as Victor Frankl reminded us, we do not lose our ability to choose our attitudes. We should remember this throughout normal days, so that the things that bother others won't interrupt our own missions and positive experiences. We should carry an umbrella of wisdom with us wherever we go, and that will help in the journey. And, yeah, you could probably see something like that coming at this point, couldn't you? You're very smart, you know. That's why I'm so glad you read my little ponderings here and on social media. And I appreciate it!
Oh, and by the way, I posted this on social media and one friend told me he was reading it in a store on his phone and that when he left, the winter wind had whipped up suddenly and he remembered he didn’t have his hat and instantly started to deplore the cold but then realized he did have with him a wisdom umbrella that he could hold out against that chill breeze and smile.
Concluding note: Just out! Part one of my recent chat with David Storey of Boston College on doing public philosophy! Wait. Who is that man with lots of hair and a purple bow tie featuring bright green electric guitars? If you’re curious, copy and paste this link and go have some fun.