Two Mindsets. Some people are oriented around Winning. Everything is a game or a contest or a war to be won at any cost. Things in the world are there to be won or lost. Winning isn't just everything, it's the only thing, as the old saying goes.

Then there's the mindset of Wonder. The world is a garden, or a sea, or a living museum, of delights. Things around us evoke awe and curiosity and deep, thankful appreciation.

The winner mind runs through the contest of the world amassing every sort of prize possible. And when that's the frame through which everything is viewed, this mind often does great harm to others, the earth, and itself along the way.

The wonder mind strolls the garden of life open and amazed, contemplating and asking, and seeking to create new wonders that others may then use to do likewise.

There are indeed contests in life to be won or lost, and engaging in them the right way can be wonderful. But they tend not to be managed well unless the concern for winning has its proper and secondary place in the heart of the contender. That's one of the great paradoxes and ironies of the world.

And of course, there are then the two sorts of leaders. Those who most often think "I won," and those who are most inclined to begin a thought with, "I wonder." Which are you? I do wonder.

AuthorTom Morris