Philosophy is an object of study that's ultimately meant to be a way of life.
Philosophy can confuse and confound, irritate and even enrage before it enlightens. But it will ultimately justify its pursuit and contribute to a distinctive inner peace.
A little philosophy is a dangerous thing because it easily raises questions that can be answered only with great effort in more philosophy.
At the root of philosophy is the love and quest for wisdom. And at the heart of wisdom is compassion. If anyone purports to espouse philosophy, but without compassion, walk away.
Philosophy is questioning what others take for granted, and seeking to understand whatever can be understood among life’s most important matters and mysteries.
Philosophy will not stay silent in the face of lies, ugliness, evil, or alienation because it values Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Unity.
Philosophy is a calling for some, a reminder for all, and a resource at each of life's big junctures.
Philosophy at its best encourages not just the good of a few but the proper inner health of us all.