Kindness is a connection that allows wisdom, virtue, and inner growth to flow in both directions.
When the powerful cease to care for the powerless, when the rich ignore the poor, the world has developed a malady of the very worst sort.
Kindness should be as natural as breathing. It should be our heartbeat, our DNA—not just a default, but a constant under all else.
Perhaps God made you big to help the very small. Or maybe you're now small to challenge and inspire the large. Either can be a blessing, and confer one, as well.
Only the confused are without compassion.
Love is giving more than getting. It can be wonderful, severe, and challenging. It's the work for which we're here. And it is its own reward.
There is a deep magic beneath the turbulent surface of the world. And in that underground stream, peace and power are to be found. The waters that flow there are those of love.
What you love will reveal you, and further form your soul. Therefore: Love the right things. Avoid the unworthy. Live with compassion.
When you love the right things, the right things will find you.