Aim at lofty goals. The higher and farther away they are, the more likely you'll fall short. But the aspiration will alter and ennoble you.
The wheel of worldly fortune will turn and whip you from high to low unless you let wisdom center you at the hub. There, you can be calm and steady.
We too often see what we want to see, and what we expect to see, not what's actually there to be seen.
Anyone who thinks they have access to all the facts is kidding you. Anyone who denies there are any facts is seeking to harm you, or help themselves to something that's not rightfully theirs.
When people are afraid to tell the truth or just don't want to, they start saying there's no such thing as truth. Beware. Withdraw trust.
Opinion can be a good place to start but never a good place to end. Knowledge is always better, and that takes evidence and reason.
If we exist for eternities but are here only for decades, that stunning fact alone should help to put things into perspective.
Why is it so hard to have good and deep conversations with people? There's so much we could learn from each other. We need to find a way.
To live in the present moment, enriched by both past and future, and yet never diminished by either, is the secret to contentment.
To engage fully in a task that demands your talent and skill and strong mental focus is a step along the path of personal fulfillment.
Evil is typically noisy. Goodness is more often quiet. But only goodness can last.
We're here in this life with matches. Some of us try to strike them and hold them up to illumine the dark. Others seek to burn things down.
Who do you look to, and even emulate? We're all formed by those we admire and who spark our aspirations. We all need mentors who are wise.
Surround yourself with wisdom. Surround yourself with love. That's the only way to surround yourself with proper support and encouragement.
One of the greatest tests of spiritual maturity is patience. And, yeah, I know.
When God called Abraham, Moses, and Isaiah, each said, "Here I am." The Hebrew word signaled an attentiveness and a readiness to serve.
Life is best lived as a conduit for those great good energies that come from far beyond us and inspire us as we use them to lift others up.
One day can bring both charms and alarms. We should cultivate our ability to appreciate the former and tolerate the latter, unruffled.
They say we become what we think about. Not really. But our habitual thoughts do begin to color us, or stain us, with their tonalities.
Inner strength is different from physical strength. It's about being open to power from beyond yourself that you can spiritually leverage .