This is our second day of sharing excerpts from "The Diary of Walid" at the end of my new book The Oasis Within. This thirteen-year-old boy notes down at the end of the day what he's learned from his uncle or from what he's experienced since he woke up. In doing so, he's following the example of Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome, who asked himself every evening, "What have I learned today?" and took down notes in answer. Those notes became the amazing book The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, a bestseller throughout the centuries that provides great wisdom for living. By reflecting and writing, however briefly, we can clarify and solidify the insights that events can provide us, if we pay attention. In this time of tumultuous stock market events, Walid's insights can speak to us powerfully.
Many things have two powers – they can be helpful or harmful. It’s often up to us which role they play.
Most situations also have a double potential, for good or ill. We would be wise to keep that in mind.
It’s important in life to pay attention all the time – to look, listen, and learn.
We should discipline our thoughts and feelings, then listen when they suggest that something’s not right.
Most dangers in the world will provide us with some kind of warning, if we’re alert and aware.
Emotions, like most other things, can help us or harm us. We need to learn when to act on them, and when to resist them for a greater good.
Great things are accomplished by great thoughts. Our thoughts can be very powerful.
A good attitude about difficulties, combined with a wise perspective, can help us overcome any trouble.
We should be more surprised when things don’t change than when they do. If we expect change, we can deal with it better.
We shouldn’t worry about what we can’t control. We should focus on what we can control and make the best of it.
It’s important to live fully each day.