My friend Ed Hearn, during the national anthem, on the awards stand with two strong competitors in Costa Rica.
My good friend and workout buddy Ed Hearn just won two gold medals, in shot put and javelin, at the international World Masters Track and Field Championship, recently held in Costa Rica. Twenty-Four countries sent teams to compete, and I was happy to hear that Ed won the gold twice, as he so often does, both nationally and internationally. His silver medal in discus wasn't too shabby, either.
Ed is one of the most positive, optimistic, and encouraging people I've ever known. And his attitude positions him well for competitions against all these people from around the world who equally want to win. I see his hard workouts and dedicated practice sessions. And the results, of course, wouldn't be possible without them. But I also see the attitude shining through in a way that's too rare among people who are also striving for great results.
Ed went through a crazy injury not long ago, where a very large weight fell on his foot, not long before a big event. But he's a man who knows how to shed the dread, release the worry, and move forward to success. Not even that could derail his goals. And no matter what he faces, he's always encouraging others around him, helping them to attain their own best results.
His gold medal attitude is an example to me, all the time.
How's your own inner attitude today? Are you feeling golden? As the philosophers remind us, that's an inner game that, once we learn to play it well, has amazing outer results.