The spiritual writer Thomas á Kempis once wrote, "At the day of Judgement, we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done."
Reading can certainly be one of the greatest roads to life wisdom. When we read the distilled thoughts and reactions of other fellow travelers on the human journey, we broaden our own perspectives about life. Reading calls on the imagination. And it can be done at our own pace. It is a unique and powerful form of discovery.
But traveling any road requires action. A book or magazine, a newspaper or website or email, is, at best, a tool to be used for better living. In an age when the pace of life seems to crowd out those quiet stretches of time required for extended reading, we all need to be reminded of its importance. But Kempis reminds us even more powerfully that our reading should affect how we live. Our ultimate calling is to make a difference in our world. Today. And tomorrow.
Make sure you're doing your best to make your difference, day to day.