A Note: I deeply appreciate those of you who receive and read this blog. I also appreciate any comments you ever send me. I know some of you aren’t on social media, so I often reblog here a Facebook or LinkedIn post, and also often seek to expand a bit on what I’ve said elsewhere, just for you all, my blog readers. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this post that’s gotten a lot of positive attention in a shorter version on social media. We’re at our best when we think together! Have a great day!
The Golden Calf. You know the story. Moses goes up the mountain to meet with God. After a time, he comes down with some commandments from on high. Meanwhile, his people have set up an idol to worship instead, a Golden Calf. We now have our own, in a broad swath of our culture.
There seems to be a new cult mindset abroad in the land that’s generated around false ideas of freedom, or liberty, and the sanctity of the individual. The pop expression would be: "Nobody tells me what to do." But this is utterly false, of course, on several levels. And connected to this faux philosophy, if we can call it that, there is an allergy to rules and laws or any constraining concern beyond the level of individual preference.
On this cultish and quintessentially selfish view, the ideal of freedom means I can do whatever I want, say whatever I want, and defend myself in any way I want and, in the process, I don't have to listen to what anyone else says about any of this unless I choose to acknowledge them for wisely agreeing with me. Nothing is prohibited to the truly free individual, in this anarchic and ultimately licentious viewpoint.
On this view, the classic distinctions between truth and falsehood, honesty and lying, kindness and cruelty, peacefulness and violence are viewed as all irrelevant, since their implications could interfere with our freedom, and none of these concepts can be allowed to govern me. I am literally ungovernable except by myself, who on this philosophy, is the least qualified governor in the world. The current Golden Calf of idolatry, carved in the image of recent politicians who seem to embody this mindset better/worse than anyone else, is this mindset itself. It brings together many worshipers who have nothing else in common but runaway ego and a deep resentment of any guidance or guardrails for their raging desires and unfettered resentments. It's not a wise worldview to hold and live.
The classic view, globally, is that the laws of logic, ethics, truth, and love are not at all external impositions on our freedom, but the inner foundations for our own good, our own flourishing, and any positive contribution we can make to the world. The cult view is, by contrast, destructive not only to society, but ironically to the individual whose freedom is supposed by that view itself to be the most important thing in the world. There is no true freedom without proper structure. There is no healthy structure without proper freedom. Each should inform the other. The deep and genuine philosophy rejected by this superficial cult attitude is alone able to guide us to the greatness of which we’re capable, both together and in our own hearts. May we recognize counterfeit wisdom for the worthless currency it truly is and encourage others to avoid it along with us.