Each of us is Unique: Just like Everybody Else
No two of us are exactly alike. I don't know about snowflakes, though, do you? I mean, we keep hearing that claim, but who has examined them all, ever? And yet for people, we know in another way, from how different experiences, however slightly distinctive, form us into different people, different thoughts play a role, and interactions with others can be crucial to our developed uniqueness. I suspect that souls are different even prior to all this. But I'd find a proof of that hard to construct. Maybe you wouldn't. See? We're different.
I mentioned this in a talk once on the ideas in my book If Aristotle Ran General Motors, which was really about fulfillment and happiness through Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Unity. At one point I was talking about the four basic spiritual needs of uniqueness, union, usefulness, and understanding. Afterwards, two ladies came up to me, dressed exactly alike, even down to the pearls and rings and such. I looked more closely and they were identical twins, impossible to tell apart. They said in unison, "We're sisters and we loved your talk!" I'm not kidding. Then one spoke. "We look exactly alike but we're so very different on the inside, in our personalities and mental lives!" The other was nodding vigorously, though I promise not mouthing the words.
Uniqueness. We need to keep that in mind. Even people who seem completely alike can be very different, distinctive, one in a god-zillion to the nth power, utterly unique on the inside. Maybe we need to recognize and celebrate that more. And I know, you've had the exact same thought. No?