Tom Morris

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Wonders and Mysteries

The Extended Reflection: We are wonders amid mysteries, real enigmas ourselves. We ought to carry a modicum of astonishment with us all throughout our day, adorned with compassion and even a spirit of celebration. Imagine what we could do if we came to realize who we most deeply are. It's a journey well worth taking. In fact, to miss it would be almost as much a puzzle as a tragedy. You are here, now. Dig deep into what that may mean. Aristotle told us that philosophy begins in wonder. Philosophy: The love of wisdom. A fascinating object of love, but like others. When you lack it, you pursue it. When you have it, you embrace it. Always in wonder.

This is a theme in the short novel The Oasis Within. It’s a book about attaining the inner peace and power that are actually ours by birthright, and give us the recipe for making our proper difference in the world. I hope you get to see it soon and then join what the character Ali calls “the fellowship of the mind” across space and time.