Tom Morris

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The Secret of Time Management

One of the greatest challenges in life is to manage our time well. And we can’t do that unless we manage our emotions well. That, in turn, requires managing our thoughts. 

Most people seem to assume that our thoughts and emotions just come to us, and we have no control over them. But the truth is that we can have great control over them. And yet, like many things, mental and emotional self control is an art, a skilled activity. We get better at it by practicing it. Conversely, if we don't practice it, we won't be very good at it. And we'll find that we're often wasting our time.

When we govern our thoughts properly, that allows us to do the same with our emotions. And since philosophers and psychologists have long understood that it’s mostly our emotions that cause us to make our decisions, choosing this activity rather than that one, saying yes to this and no to that, then governing our emotions well allows us to govern our time well. 

The busier you get, the more you realize the importance of this.