Tom Morris

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Ideas and Relationships - The Magic in Action

Tell me the significance of this photo, as an accompaniment to this blog, and win a sincere compliment.

There is a magical yin and yang of insight, as powerful as it is simple, for your work, and your life.

Yesterday, I wrote my shortest blog ever. It consisted of two basic insights.

1. Ideas rock the world.

2. Relationships rule the world.

Then I recommended pondering, using, and relishing these truths while leveraging them for great things. And, boy, did you guys do that - instantly! I got more email from that short post than from any I've done! One old friend told me that he's going to remember to "Rock and Rule!" Another described what he's learned as an executive in the midst of a huge merger. He's been reminded that even great ideas, without the implementation mechanism of relationships, are inert, and that our relationships, without the guiding spark of ideas, never lead to anything new, innovative, and great.

There is a yin and yang between these two truths. Great ideas can bring people together, passionately, to form relationships and rally energies. And great relationships, in turn, can spark new ideas. Many ancient proverbs recognize this. And there's been a crowd of profound philosophers who have seen it in action.

It's one thing to find great ideas, and form great relationships, and another to make the most of them, with each other. Are we keeping our relationships fresh and energized with ideas? Are we planting our best ideas in the fertile soil of our best relationships? And are we ever seeking new ideas, and new relationships for that special yin and yang magic they can bring?

Propositions and partners, concepts and comrades. Ideas rock. Relationships rule.

Or as an ancient philosopher might say, if he had been born in our time:

Don't be a fool, go rock and rule!