Kind Words
I just came across this sign online. "Kind words cost nothing." And I thought, "Yeah, that's nice." But then, I thought, "And it may even be true if you're a saint of the highest possible order." Because, in lots of instances, kind words cost a lot: a lot of self control, a good deal of patience and tolerance and understanding, a rising above the situation, reigning in that natural irritation, or stunned anger, or shocked outrage, controlling our tempers, mastering a good bit of self control, and acting against what our feelings might be shrilly insisting. So, sorry, kind words can cost a lot. They can be very expensive in effort, and energy, and control.
I actually know a few kind people who aren't very good at kind words. They prefer the power they feel in the curmudgeon pose of gruff talk, or even with the banter of smart sarcasm, or they relish the pleasure of witty snark. They do good things for others all the time. But they prefer a banter of trash talk along the way. For them, kind words must seem more costly than kind actions.
But there is actually some good news yet to be found around this. Kind words are always a good investment, paying dividends at least within ourselves that far offset what they've cost up front. So do kind words cost nothing after all, at least net? Maybe so, but that may not be what they feel like initially. Yet, we need to trust the process and the wisdom of the ages. Kindness to others is always the greatest kindness to ourselves, and may even help them too. #kindness