It's Ok.
Some days evoke a particular inner state. It’s Ok when the regal lion inside you is reduced to something at least approximating this. In fact, under the appropriate circumstances, it should be viewed as normal.
You may be aware of some striking and daunting scenario in which you find yourself and you get it and, moreover, you’re rationally not quite ready to deal with it. You’re cognizant. You’re vigilant. And yet, there’s a measure of stunned perplexity about it all, or at least about whatever sublimely absurd manifestation of it all has just caught your attention and suspended your animation in the here and now. It’s natural to pause, at least in a protective space.
There’s not always a rush. There are times when nobody’s holding a stopwatch. It’s prudent to take it all in and breathe and make yourself relax just a bit. Then you can respond more wisely to whatever, whomever, wherever, whenever, and in fact however might be right.