Tom Morris

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Fit to Rule

Plato's on book tour. He's at Google for a talk and book signing.

From the recent book of philosophy and fiction, Plato at the GooglePlex, page 73, by Rebecca Goldstein:

<<You know, Plato said, still surveying the room, I spent the better part of my life trying to figure out how to ensure that those who are most fit to rule are the ones who end up ruling. I gave much thought to the question of how to educate rulers so that they wouldn’t fall in love with their own power.>>

Footnote from Republic 521. Socrates: “But what we require, I said, is that those who take office should not be lovers of rule.”

Governance. Leadership. Rule. Those fit for it should not be lovers of it, for its own sake, or for its power, or status, or remuneration, or celebrity, or any other potentially ego-boosting side effect. We need servants who have been arduously prepared throughout their lives to serve at the highest levels. We need philosopher-kings, in Plato's words—meaning wise leaders, intelligent and discerning and empathetic representatives who are willing to take on the duties at the head of the state to protect freedom, enact justice, inspire noble purpose, and help steer the ship properly forward. 

But too many of us don't know what we need.

Just a thought.