The Truth About Opportunity
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Francis Bacon
And a wise woman will do the same.
An old formula for success says that it's the result of preparation meeting opportunity. That leads us to believe that only half the equation is within our power. We can prepare and prepare, and then we just have to hope that the right opportunity will cross our paths at the right time. But the early modern scientist, lawyer, and philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) believed that we can be much more actively involved than that. We can be responsible not only for our own preparation, but also for many of the opportunities that allow us to make things happen.
Are you passively awaiting the opportunity you need to move toward your goals? Part of preparation is opportunity creation. Blaze a path forward. Take Bacon’s insight to heart and ask how you can move to create your own opportunity. And then go start doing it.