The Secret Source of Creative Success
Curiosity. Interest. Fascination. Wonder. Obsession. Hunger? What powers creative success?
We've all heard the old saying: Curiosity killed the cat. But I can assure you that the cat's just fine. It was simply propaganda put out by the dog. Only that ancient cat named Socrates was rewarded for his curiosity the final way.
It turns out that curiosity is the great differentiator. Highly curious people tend to be chief among the creative innovators, inventors, and pioneers in all dimensions of life and work. It's hard to think of anything a company needs in order to stay creative and competitive more than a culture of curiosity. And yet, that's something we rarely talk about, thereby once again confirming the profound and rarely discussed Socratic Inverse Attention Rule: The least important things, we think about and talk about the most; the most important things, we think about and talk about the least.
We should begin talking more about curiosity - what it is, and how it's cultivated. Because that, I believe, is the secret source of creative success.
What do you think? I'd like to know.
I'm curious.