What It Takes To Be Understanding
There are deep philosophical truths that are connected intimately with our lives, day to day. When we understand them, we're able to be at peace, live well with others, and make our difference in the world without a lot of the emotional turmoil that lots of people feel.
I've mentioned it here before, but for three and a half of the past four years, a movie played in my head. From the first minute it started happening, I began to write what I was seeing and hearing. The story, I soon found out, was set in Egypt in 1934 and 1935. So far, the movie has resulted in 8 novels, an epic tale of friendship, love, meaning, the deep truths behind the curtain of everyday events, the power of the mind, and the possibilities for transformation and redemption in our world. It's the most fun I've ever had writing anything. And all I had to do was take dictation. You can read more about these stories on my website, under "Novels." I have not yet given them to a publisher. But I want to share snippets now and then right here.
Today, I came across a passage I wanted to pass along to you. We're in the 7th book. One 14 year old boy has just revealed something to his uncle, something that he and his best friend have just done that they think might get them into serious trouble. The uncle hears it all with great understanding and calm. The boy's young friend then remarks on how incredibly understanding the older man always is, and the man says this:
"I thank you for those kind words, Mafulla. It’s easy to act in an understanding way if you truly do understand. When our eyes have been opened, and we see even a glimpse of the true big picture for things, that vision of our overall context, along with the confidence and compassion it breeds, allows us to be, in most matters toward those around us, as you put it, incredibly understanding. We’re then comfortable enough to have a certain trust in the way things play out and develop. Too many people run around shocked and panicked and angry and worried because they’re untethered to the deepest truths. Plus, they don’t see others truly. And, as it’s well been said, the truth can set you free."
The sentence that really jumps out at me is this: Too many people run around shocked and panicked and angry and worried because they’re untethered to the deepest truths.
When we tie our hearts and minds to the deepest perspectives on life, and allow those truths to guide our feelings and actions, we'll flourish. When we don't, we won't.
My goal as a philosopher, and my hope for these novels, is that they will help more people to do exactly that. We should always act in accordance to our highest understanding, and let that wisdom guide us in every way.
Understanding yields understanding. Wisdom brings good things to us all.