Tom Morris

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Energy is Eternal Delight

"Energy is eternal delight." William Blake.

Printer, painter, poet and mystic, William Blake knew what he was talking about. Samuel Smiles once praised energy and described its place in life like this: “It is energy - the central element of which is will - that produces the miracle of enthusiasm in all ages. Everywhere it is the mainspring of what is called force of character, and the sustaining power of all great action.”

Do you have that experience of eternal delight that Blake refers to, the motivating enthusiasm that Smiles so values?  If the answer is "no" or "rarely" then you should ask yourself some questions.

Are you well rested? Do you eat right? Do you exercize every day? Do you meditate or pray? Those are what philosophers call facilitating but not sufficient conditions for that inner magic that moves the world. The most important ingredient is a cause to believe in. Deeply.

Are you doing something you really believe in? If not, why not? Find a way to get a big picture for your work. Connect it to the meaning of life. Connect it to something noble. Or change what you do to something you can view in this way. Then you’ll experience the energy that's always at the heart of great endeavors. 

So get some rest. Eat right. Move around. Calm your spirit. And believe. Then surf on the good energy that can flow though you. 
