People are either closed or open. Closed people are often stiff and glum, and need to feel certain of everything. They're defensive. They're narrow. They're easily irritated or angered. They don't naturally connect with others. As leaders, they're harsh. As followers, they resist.
Open people are very different. They're curious in the midst of uncertainty, interested in other peoples' views, and always seeking to grow. They often make deep connections quickly. They tend to be happier, and eager to explore something new. They make for great leaders and enthusiastic followers.
But there's something else. Open people soak in the radiance of life and convey it to others in their attitudes, emotions, actions, and words. Their energy comes from beyond them and inspires almost everyone around them.
Radiance is simply one of the most important unspoken elements of extraordinary success.
There is a positive energy of life. The Greeks called it eros. It flows through the cosmos, animates nature, and raises us up to unusual achievement when we're open to it, allow it, and channel it well. It has a nearly mystical connection with what we call serendipity, or happy luck. When we're open to it and allow it to flow through us unimpeded, remarkable things happen.
Let the radiance of life become your own glow of positive energy. Don't settle for being closed, or blocked. Be instead a conduit to the best in life, and for the best of others. Open yourself to shine. You never know what dark corner or new opportunity you may illuminate for yourself or someone else.
There's nothing quite like radiance. May it flow through you in abundance.